Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Lemon Tree Blossoms!

Oh excitement! The lemon tree is in bloom!

Citrus trees certainly are not native here in western NY.  Our little tree started as a twig; I think it was sent as a "bonus" gift from some nursery we ordered from.  We've had it several years, and it has grown from its first little pot to over 3 feet tall.  Last winter it lost all its leaves, and I thought it was a goner, but no, it leafed out again better than ever.  It spent the summer outside on the patio, and seemed happy there.  It grew quite thick and lush.  Now it's back in the sun-room, its winter home, and is popping out blossoms everywhere.  It had 3 blossoms early this summer; 1 of which is developing slowly into a fruit.  But never has it done what it is doing now.  Unbelievable!  Most of the blossoms are still closed, but the few that have opened are so fragrant.  You can smell them in the next room.

I checked a few sites on the internet to see what I could learn about my lemon tree.  Here's one I thought sounded knowledgeable: Caring For an Indoor Lemon Tree. Another site also recommends misting the tree to add humidity; I guess I'll start doing that.  A gardening success... yea! It takes so little to get me excited.

1 baby lemon!  Who-hoo!