Poinsettia facts (From www.Ask.com):
To get a poinsettia to reflower you have to keep it in total darkness between 5 pm and 8 am. Start this around October 1st and continue until color shows on the bracts; usually around early to mid-December. Any little exposure to light can prevent flowering. Covering the plant with a light-proof bag and placing it in a closet might work. Night time temperatures above 70-75°F can decay or prevent flowering.
How can I make my poinsettia last during the holiday season?
- Place the poinsettia in a sunny window.
- Do not let any part of plant touch cold window panes.
- Indoor temperatures from 60 to 70°F is ideal for long plant life.
- High temperatures will shorten the life of the colorful bracts.
- Water only when the soil is dry.
- Placing your poinsettia in a cool room 55 to 60°F at night will extend blooming time.
- Do not fertilize when plant is in bloom.
- Avoid temperature fluctuations and warm or cold drafts.