Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spring Blossoms

It's taken a while for spring to arrive this year, but now that it has, every blooming bush we have is trying to make up time.  Beauty abounds; but don't blink because many of our plants bloomed and then were done in 1-2 days.

Forsythia was first.  It only bloomed well around the base.  Hmm???

Our lemon tree (kept indoors all winter) bloomed for a long time. - Very aromatic!

Mini rhododendrons - These blossoms only lasted 1 day - Darn!

Don't even know what this ground cover is called, but it beautiful in the spring; then provides green cover the rest of the year.

This is a close-up of the Redbuds - The blossom is so delicate and pretty.

Blueberries are all in blossom and the bumble bees are working.  No freeze on the blossoms this year! :)
Crab apple trees bloom for only a couple of days; Catch them quick because they are so pretty and fragrant.
The lilac bush was wonderful this year, but again the winds came and it only looked this good for a few days.  but the smell - wonderful.
Can't remember the name, but it usually blooms white all over.  Not this year, just a scattering on top.

Here's a close-up of that last blossom.

And the clematis is today starting its season.  What a beauty!

This is a close-up of the clematis blossom.
That's a brief pictorial of our blooming bushes of the last month.  There is something new to see everyday.  Most of their blooms are brief, but these trees and bushes are also mostly care-free.  They do their thing every year without much human help.  Can't beat that. 


  1. Beautiful blooms, Charlotte. I miss the lilacs and Rodos. Our lemon tree is looking healthy this year but alas, no lemons! If it's not the heat, its the bugs or fungus down here :(
    love your posts!

  2. You have a nice variety of bushes, something that I am working on here at the Garden Spot. Great pictures, too.
