Friday, April 15, 2011

Greenhouse Goes Up, Part 2

It's two sunny days in a row.  That's got to be a good omen, and my contractor is here bright and early in the morning. It took a while yesterday to figure out the process of installing the windows, but today they know what they are doing and the window installation gets finished pretty quickly. Lots of clear caulking sealed windows to wood. 
All the windows are in.

It's about 42 degrees outside with a brisk breeze, but inside the greenhouse it's already feeling warm. The automatic window vents begin to open a crack.  My contractor thought he had done something wrong; couldn't understand why the windows wouldn't stay shut. Apparently the heat in the greenhouse causes the springs on these windows to push open automatically. Cool!
This is one of the vented windows that opens automatically.

 Then it was on to the double-Dutch hung door. Hinges, latches, and handle on the door will keep it from catching in the breeze. Final work of the day was the construction of the planting bench and the plant basin inside the greenhouse. The planting bench will hold all our seedlings and started plants.  The plant basin will (hopefully) will provide a planting environment for fall/winter crops. The construction stage is complete!  There is a little more work to be done for the electrical and water access.  Our contractor has promised to return soon, maybe as soon as Sunday, to finish up that work also. 
Double-Dutch door: Splits in the middle so you can just open the window part if wanted.
Planting Bench
Planting Basin

I'm sure you've noticed the two-toned color scheme of our greenhouse. We planned it that way (somewhat). I wanted the greenhouse to look like it belonged with our house.... consequently the grey stain.  DH wanted to see some of the cedar wood in a more natural color.... consequently the clear stain.  Now the plan was to stain the outside pieces grey, and all the inside pieces clear. However the hundreds of wood pieces were packed in a rather disorderly fashion, and as we worked our brains became muddled as to what went where.  It did not work out just as we envisioned it, but we planned it that way. (That's our story, and we're sticking to it.)

I am now off to the basement. We already have trays of seedlings just waiting to move into their new home. Oh, Merry Christmas to us!


  1. Really nice, your greenhouse. You'll enjoy it, I promise.

    I saw your post in the Blotanical lists and wondered if you gave up on Blotanical or what?

  2. Great progress! The last time I checked in, there was just bare ground and a pile of materials in the garage. Love the look of the wood.

  3. If I had a greenhouse, I might go in and never come out! Lucky you!! Are you going to plant a garden around it?
